Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Author 2 Author review
Sydney Logan’s latest short story, "Force of Nature." The romantic short is available exclusively on Amazon Kindle and priced at .99¢.
Living in Tornado Alley has caused twenty-two year old Laura Pratt to grow cynical when it comes to storm warnings. When a tornado rips its way through her college campus, Laura becomes trapped in the library basement with fellow music major and longtime crush Aiden Barnes. After the storm clears, and the two are faced with the harsh reality of Mother Nature’s vengeance, will Laura and Aiden emerge from the rubble with their hearts intact?
When you're finished reading, please consider leaving a review on Amazon!
Thank you!

Sunday, July 28, 2013
Sneak Peek with T.M. Franklin

The Guardians
Book 2 in the MORE Trilogy, by T.M. Franklin
The Guardians doesn't come out until November, but today we get a sneak peek from the sequel to MORE...and it looks like Ava's still running into quite a bit of trouble!
It’s not every day a girl discovers she’s not entirely human and unlocks hidden powers strong enough to make even the First Race take notice. Then again, Ava Michaels is no ordinary girl.
Now, the Race’s Ruling Council wants her under their control, and that’s just the beginning of her problems. Her boyfriend, Caleb Foster, has disappeared—accused of betraying the Race—and Ava herself is implicated in a crime she didn’t commit.
Clearing their names will mean uncovering a web of deceit and intrigue with Ava woven right in the center. To unravel the strands, she joins forces with some unlikely allies; a Protector who once haunted her nightmares, a young girl with secrets as unexpected as Ava’s, and a group of rebel Guardians who have their own fight against the Council.
Together they stand in a battle to find the truth, bring Caleb home, and secure Ava’s freedom—not to mention save her life.
Now, the Race’s Ruling Council wants her under their control, and that’s just the beginning of her problems. Her boyfriend, Caleb Foster, has disappeared—accused of betraying the Race—and Ava herself is implicated in a crime she didn’t commit.
Clearing their names will mean uncovering a web of deceit and intrigue with Ava woven right in the center. To unravel the strands, she joins forces with some unlikely allies; a Protector who once haunted her nightmares, a young girl with secrets as unexpected as Ava’s, and a group of rebel Guardians who have their own fight against the Council.
Together they stand in a battle to find the truth, bring Caleb home, and secure Ava’s freedom—not to mention save her life.
~Excerpt From The Guardians~
“How far?” he asked. “Do we have time to get out?”Ava reached out with her gift, a sinking feeling settling in her stomach. “No. They’re too close. Probably already at the cave entrance.”
Tiernan’s jaw flexed as he looked around the cavern, trying to come up with a plan of action. He signaled for them to follow him as he crossed the room, taking up a spot against the wall next to the opening leading to the tunnel going outside. He flexed his fingers around the gun, and said in a low voice, “You’ll have to create a distraction again. With any luck, we can get them headed down that other tunnel before they realize we’re here. Maybe with so many Race imprints, it will be hard for them to pinpoint our exact location.”
“You think that will really work?” Ava asked.
“Probably not.” He shrugged. “So you might have to reenact that trick with the door—maybe with that crate over there.” He gestured with the gun across the room, looking at her sideways. “Do you think you can do that?”
Ava knew what he was asking. Could she hurt someone? Could she possibly kill someone? She’d done it before, with Arthur, but that was spur-of-the-moment, unplanned—a them-or-us situation where she didn’t have time to think about it beforehand. This was different. She looked at Emma, clutching her hand, innocent and scared, and thought of Caleb.
Somewhere out there. And once the Council learned Caleb was still on the run, they’d most likely take matters into their own hands. In other words, hunt Caleb down. She couldn’t let that happen. They had to find him first.
With grim determination, she nodded sharply. “I can do it.”
They waited in silence, and Ava could feel each step as the group got closer. She could tell when Tiernan felt them as well. He squared his shoulders, clenched his fists, and braced his feet in a wide stance, preparing for a fight. She turned to the tunnel across the room and readied her own weapons, calling on her gift as the first footsteps echoed through the cavern. She reached out for the metal door she’d knocked down, picking it up and letting it clatter against the stone floor. The sound amplified in the tunnel, and it wasn’t long before their pursuers ran into the cavern. They huddled in the shadows as the four Rogues scanned the room, but to Ava’s surprise, they didn’t even seem to notice them.
Then she realized it wasn’t only her own gift she was feeling. Where she held Emma’s hand, she felt the tingle of unfamiliar power running along her skin. She gaped at the girl, whose eyes were closed and brow creased in concentration, and watched as the Rogues took off down the far tunnel.
Tiernan tugged on Ava’s sleeve, and she stumbled after him.
The three of them ran down the tunnel in the opposite direction, and Ava felt a rush of hope as the light of the entrance finally showed ahead.
They raced out into the sunshine, and Ava stopped and turned around.
“What are you doing?” Tiernan snapped, tucking his gun back into his pants. “Let’s go.”
“Just buying us some time,” Ava said, calling on her gift again.
With a low rumble, the front of the cave shuddered and collapsed in on itself, kicking up a cloud of dust. When it finally cleared, a pile of dirt and rocks lay where the entrance had been.
“Nice,” Tiernan said with an appreciative grin. “Remind me never to tick you off.”
The Guardians Releases November 7, 2013

About MORE
Ava Michaels used to think she was special. As a child, she fantasized about having magical powers . . . making things happen. But Ava grew up and eventually accepted the fact that her childish dreams were just that, and maybe a normal life wasn't so bad after all.
Now a young college student, Ava meets Caleb Foster, a brilliant and mysterious man who’s supposed to help her pass Physics, but in reality has another mission in mind. What he shows Ava challenges her view of the world, shaking it to its very core. Because Caleb isn't quite what he seems. In fact, he's not entirely human, and he's not the only one.
Together, the duo faces a threat from an ancient race bound to protect humans, but only after protecting their own secrets—secrets they fear Ava may expose. Fighting to survive, Ava soon learns she's not actually normal . . . she's not even just special.
She's a little bit more.
Now a young college student, Ava meets Caleb Foster, a brilliant and mysterious man who’s supposed to help her pass Physics, but in reality has another mission in mind. What he shows Ava challenges her view of the world, shaking it to its very core. Because Caleb isn't quite what he seems. In fact, he's not entirely human, and he's not the only one.
Together, the duo faces a threat from an ancient race bound to protect humans, but only after protecting their own secrets—secrets they fear Ava may expose. Fighting to survive, Ava soon learns she's not actually normal . . . she's not even just special.
She's a little bit more.
NOW available at a LOWER price!

She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, Mike, is mom to two boys, Justin and Ryan, and has an enormous black dog named Rocky who’s always lying nearby while she’s writing. Whether he’s soothed by the clicking of the computer keys or just waiting for someone to rub his belly is up for debate.
In addition to MORE, Franklin penned the Amazon best-selling short story, Window, as well as another short story, A Piece of Cake, which appears in the Romantic Interludes anthology. The sequel to MORE, The Guardians, will be released in the fall of 2013.
Connect with T.M. Franklin
Friday, July 26, 2013
Ready for the Dreamer Series???
Writer’s Coffee Shop presents . . .
of a Dreamer
#1 of the Dreamer Series

Scared and alone, Chantal
begins to confide in an imaginary friend – a shadow in the shape of a man who
stands in the corner of her room. She is comforted when she believes he listens
to her. On her eighteenth birthday, Chantal is forced to leave her foster home.
She moves to New York City, but the start of her new life doesn’t begin as
smoothly as she’d hoped. One night at a subway station, Chantal meets a young
boy who runs away from her, and she’s compelled to follow him down into the
tunnels. But this Rabbit Hole reveals a world where reality is a nightmare.
more??? Check out the trailer below!
The creature lunged at the
gray-skinned man, thrusting his blade toward his bare torso. The man spun,
melting into the darkness, becoming part of the shadow again. He reappeared
behind the creature, yielding a blade of his own.
They fought ferociously as
Chantal sat frozen on her bed. Each had the ability to move like lightning;
each could disappear into the darkness.
“She will die, Warrior, no matter
how many you send to protect her,” the creature said, spitting his dark venom
onto the floor as he whipped around in attempt to slice at the man’s lower
“Not by your hand, and not while
I’m still around,” the gray man said, hacking his blade through the air and
just missing the creature’s melonshaped head.
“You protect her in vain,” it
said, landing a punch to the man’s flank.
“She’s survived this long,” the
gray man said, plunging his blade deep into the creature’s abdomen. It
sputtered, spraying black liquid onto the floor. “And she will survive tonight,
just like I said she would.”
He twisted the blade, causing the
creature let out a gurgled cry, and a torrent of fluid poured from the
creature’s terrible mouth, leaving a puddle on the floor. The thing melted in
front of her, joining the filth on the floor. Once the creature had dissolved,
the remains sizzled like acid and then disappeared.
The man stood, his blade held out
at an angle, the length of it covered in black ooze. His eyes were vacant, his
mouth moving as if in prayer. Chantal watched him, horrified and amazed at the
same time.
“Nick?” she said. He glanced up
and captured her with his angelic eyes.
know, I’ve always wondered why you call me that.”
Thursday, July 25, 2013
The Mythology of MORE with T.M. Franklin
The Mythology of MORE
By T.M. Franklin

I’m often asked about the inspiration for MORE, and where the idea of the First Race and the Half-Breeds came from. Well, the mythology of MORE was inspired by a number of real-life myths and legends you might be familiar with, and a few that might be new to you.
The Nephilim

“When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the LORD said, ‘My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years.’Now, there’s a lot of debate over who the Nephilim were—we’re not even sure if they were actually the “sons of God” or perhaps the offspring of the “sons of God” and the “daughters of men.” Some say they were the children of fallen angels and human women. The Nephilim are only mentioned twice in the Bible. The other place is in the book of Numbers, where they are described as giants. (Goliath, of David & Goliath fame, is believed by some to have been a descendant of the Nephilim.)
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.” – Genesis 6:1-4 (NIV)
The idea intrigued me—the existence of a group of people who were bigger and stronger than normal humans. What if they were superior in other ways as well? What if they were more developed mentally as well as physically, giving them superhuman abilities? The “heroes of old, men of renown” phrase led me to think of similar creatures in myth and legend.
Titans, Gods, and other Mythological Creatures

Medusa, by Alice Pike Barney, 1892
There are a ton of them—the Titans, the gods of Greek or Roman mythology, giants, creatures in fairy tales or even comic books. What if they were merely exaggerations of people who really existed? Members of an ancient race—the First Race—who were a little more than human? (Heh. Yeah, that’s where the title came from.)What if Medusa was really a member of this Race, who had the ability to paralyze nerves, and the snake-hair was just added in by a creative storyteller? What if the Hydra was based on a real-life person who could regenerate body parts? People who could hypnotize and manipulate others with their beautiful voices could have given rise the legends about the Sirens. Perhaps Zeus was a man who could manipulate electricity, giving him the ability to throw lightning bolts. In MORE, Ava describes some of the Race members who are so unusual-looking, they can’t go out into the human world.
“They stared at her curiously, and Ava couldn’t help staring back. Some were so tall—so incredibly beautiful—that they took her breath away. They glowed brighter than Caleb without the Veil, their eyes shimmering with light, their every movement poetic and graceful.”What would you call a creature like that if you met him? An angel, perhaps? A fairy or witch?
-MORE, Chapter 13
But if these people existed, why wouldn’t they be in charge? Well, because they had a moral code, of course—a mission to help humans along in their development. And, because they were fewer in number than the ever-multiplying humans, they were in some danger if they were ever exposed. Everybody knows humans fear what they do not understand, and even a member of a superior race might fear being burned at the stake!
The Demigods

Hercules Kills the Nemean Lion, 5th Century B.C.
Now, back to Genesis for a moment—apparently this relationship between the “sons of God” and “daughters of men” was a bad thing, because the next verses in Genesis talk about the wickedness of the human race and God’s decision to wipe it out with the Great Flood—you know, Noah and the Ark?So, the idea that this relationship was forbidden got me thinking. Why would that be? Well, perhaps it was because their children would be potentially dangerous and unpredictable. Maybe they’d be like the demigods of mythology—human, but with power and strength superior to ordinary mortals, or perhaps even with gifts of their own. But if these people didn’t know how to control their gifts or use them properly, they could pose a danger to others, and also a risk of exposure. This is what led to the idea of the Half-Breeds, and why the Race would be so worried about them.
Of course, all of this helped to set up the relationship between Caleb and Ava in MORE. What happens when a member of this Race gets a little too close to a human? Talk about coming from two different worlds! His job is to get close to her, but loyalty to his people is tested when he gets to know her.
How they deal with that, and the people who want Ava captured—or possibly killed—is what MORE is all about.
So what are your favorite myths and legends? Let me know in the comments!

About T.M. Franklin
T.M. Franklin started out her career writing non-fiction in a television newsroom. Graduating with a B.A. in Communications specializing in broadcast journalism and production, she worked for nine years as a major market television news producer, and garnered two regional Emmy Awards, before she resigned to be a full-time mom and part-time freelance writer. After writing and unsuccessfully querying a novel that she now admits, “is not that great,” she decided to follow the advice of one of the agents who turned her down—write some more and get better at it. Her first published novel, MORE, was born during National Novel Writing month, a challenge to write a novel in thirty days.She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, Mike, is mom to two boys, Justin and Ryan, and has an enormous black dog named Rocky who’s always lying nearby while she’s writing. Whether he’s soothed by the clicking of the computer keys or just waiting for someone to rub his belly is up for debate.
In addition to MORE, Franklin penned the Amazon best-selling short story, Window, as well as another short story, A Piece of Cake, which appears in the Romantic Interludes anthology. The sequel to MORE, The Guardians, will be released in the fall of 2013.
Connect with T.M. Franklin
About MORE

As a child, she fantasized about having magical powers . . . making things happen. But Ava grew up and eventually accepted the fact that her childish dreams were just that, and maybe a normal life wasn't so bad after all.
Now a young college student, Ava meets Caleb Foster, a brilliant and mysterious man who’s supposed to help her pass physics, but in reality has another mission in mind. What he shows Ava challenges her view of the world, shaking it to its very core.
Because Caleb isn't quite what he seems. In fact, he's not entirely human, and he's not the only one.
Together, the duo faces a threat from an ancient race bound to protect humans, but only after protecting their own secrets—secrets they fear Ava may expose. Fighting to survive, Ava soon learns she's not actually normal . . . she's not even just special.
She's a little bit more.
FREE for the Blogger Book Fair!

About Window
Chloe Blake has a unique gift, an odd connection to her house that results in glimpses of the past, present, and future via the picture window in her living room. Unfortunately, it’s a gift that sometimes proves to be more of a curse. Especially when she tries to help out Ethan Reynolds, the gorgeous boy who lives across the street – an endeavor that, for some reason, always seems to backfire. Or leave her covered in mud.But the house is convinced Ethan’s life is in danger and Chloe’s the only one who can save him. The problem is, he thinks she’s more than a little crazy.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Sneak Peek with Sherri Hayes
Book 3 of the Finding Anna Series by Sherri Hayes.
For the last two months, Brianna has discovered something she never thought she would again. Hope. After the horror of being Ian’s slave for ten months, a fate she never imagined she’d escape, it feels as if she is living a dream. She has freedom she hadn’t expected to have again, and she wakes up every morning not fearing what the day will bring.
There is also Stephan. The man who saved her from the daily torture she had to endure at the hands of Ian and his friends. The same man who makes her heart race with just the thought of him. Life is good.
Outside forces are determined to conspire against them, however. When Brianna’s father shows up on her doorstep, it sends her world spiraling out of control. He brings with him new information about how Brianna ended up in Ian’s clutches, but will it make a difference? Will Stephan be able to find a way to make Ian pay for all he made Brianna suffer?
As Brianna and Stephan try to find out the truth, their relationship is tested. She is forced to face her past head on and deal with the ugly reality of what happened to her. Will Stephan’s love be enough to see her through her newest challenge, or will the fragile trust they’ve built come crumbling down around them as the truth makes itself known.
Available July 25th
Before I opened my eyes, I was aware of himbeside me. He had his arm draped over my stomach. It was warm andheavy, so I knew he was asleep.

That morning seemed like a lifetime ago. A lot hadchanged since then. Stephan was no longer a stranger to me. He had helped menot be afraid all the time. He’d also opened up an entirely new world to meover the last two days. Before him, my sexual experiences had been of thenightmare variety. Sex wasn’t something I enjoyed. It was something I hated. Sexhad never been enjoyable for me, and I hadn’t expected it to be with Stephaneither. At best, I’d hoped it wouldn’t hurt like it had before and I’d be ableto endure it for him. What I’d discovered, however, was that I liked it. A lot.
As I watched him sleep, I remembered ourconversation less than a month ago when he’d told me that in some ways he waslike Ian. I still wasn’t sure what he’d meant by that because he was nothinglike the man who used to own me. Stephan was kind. He never forced me to doanything or hurt me just to hear me scream out in pain.
Were there some things he’d had me do that wereuncomfortable? Yes, lots of times. Talking about all the things that hadhappened to me wasn’t comfortable. Neither was sleeping on the floor. But afterall that I’d been through, they were minor things. He always explained why hewas doing something, letting me know there was a purpose behind the discomfort.
With every day that passed, I became moredetermined to please him, to be what he needed me to be. Sex had ended up beingan extremely pleasurable surprise. He’d given that to me. In return, I wasdetermined to give him what he needed.
Movement drew my attention back to his face. Heopened his eyes and smiled.
“Morning, Brianna,” he said in a groggy voice.
“Morning, Sir.”
Books 1 and 2 available now.


For More information go to www.sherrihayesauthor.com.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Take a Trip with Lissa Bryan
This year's Blogger Book Fair theme is travel to far-away places. travel is also a major theme of my novel, The End of All Things.
After a horrible plague decimates the nation. Carly and Justin must travel from her home in Juneau, Alaska to a place with a warmer climate, where they will have a better chance of survival. It's a journey across a nation laid to waste by the disaster, but also a journey into love.
Check out the trailer, here.
“I’ve never been out of Alaska,” Carly said. She wasn’t sure she could explain to him how awful a prospect it was to leave everything behind, to give up on the idea the world might return to normal if she just waited there instead of abandoning her hope and home.
“I’ve never been to Florida.” Justin took a large bite of his cold pork and beans and chewed with relish. “Here’s the thing.” He pulled a paper towel off the roll beside the sink and used it as a napkin. “We need to leave soon. It’s going to be a very long journey, and I don’t think we’ll manage to make it all the way to Florida, or even south of the Mason-Dixon for that matter, before the winter sets in. So we have to hurry and get as far as possible in the time we have left.”
Carly hesitated before asking, since she knew it was another dumb question, but she had to know. “If we can’t take a car or a motorcycle, what are we going to do?” “Ride bicycles. Walk.”
“Justin, you’re talking four thousand miles here.” The idea of moving into a house across town had been daunting enough, let alone the idea of traveling across most of North America.
Carly shook her head. “You’re talking about more than half a year, maybe more.”
“Do you understand, then, why I want to leave as soon as possible? We need to go somewhere we can grow enough food to sustain ourselves. Florida has an excellent climate for farming. I’m not saying we have to get all the way to Florida. There are other states in the South that would have a good climate for us, but I’m thinking of Florida as my goal. We may be able to use different vehicles during sections of our trip, but that’s not a guarantee. The ones we find may have dead batteries, or the fuel could have gone bad. If we encountered a roadblock or traffic jam, we’d have to unload the vehicle and try to find another. Bikes are more reliable.”
“Do you actually have this planned out, or is it just an idea you have?”
Justin chuckled. “Once you get to know me, Carly, you’ll find I have everything planned out.” He went out into the hallway and grabbed one of the bags that contained his gear. He opened up the front pocket and withdrew a map. A route had been highlighted, cutting across Canada and through the US, a bumpy line, but almost perfectly diagonal.
She traced her finger over the long line. “What if I refuse to go?”
“I can’t leave you here to die, Carly.”
Die? She gave him a startled look, but he didn’t back off and admit to exaggeration or soften the comment with a shrug or smile. Instead, he looked straight into her eyes, and his steady gaze told her he wasn’t trying to scare her or embellish. He saw it as an inevitable consequence if she were left there on her own, not as a possibility.
She looked away, unable to meet his eyes any longer. “Because you knew my dad?”
“No, not just because of the promise I made when I joined The Unit, but because I fancy myself to be a decent human being. One way or another, I’m going to have to convince you, but I hope to hell it doesn’t take very long. I know you don’t know me very well yet, but you’ll find I’m a person who keeps my promises. And I promise you I will do my best to keep you safe, warm, and fed. I’m your best shot at survival.”
He tugged up the sleeve of his T-shirt and showed her the symbol tattooed there, the same symbol that was on her father’s ring. “This once meant something. It meant enough that I had it permanently etched into my skin because it’s a part of me. It wasn’t just a military unit. It was a code of honor. I may be the last man standing, but I swear I’m not going to let that code die, too.”
And gazing into his eyes, Carly believed him. She might have very little experience of the world, but she knew sincerity when she saw it. He truly cared about what happened to her, for whatever reason. Her doubts and fears warred with her instincts, which told her Justin was what he presented himself to be. He was a nice guy with a mischievous sense of humor and a strong sense of honor and duty. Her father had told her to trust no one, but he had also told her about the symbol and what it meant to the men who wore it.
“I’m scared,” Carly said. She felt her cheeks warm in embarrassment at the admission, but she felt like he deserved her honesty.
“I am, too. None of this is going to be easy, but I’d put our chances at reaching Florida higher than most.”
“That doesn’t sound too encouraging.”
Justin was quiet for a long moment. “Do you want me to be honest or comforting?”
Carly blinked when tears stung her eyes again. He already thought she was stupid. She didn’t want to add whiny to the list. “Just for a little while, can you be optimistic?”
He took her hand in his own. “Sure, honey. I understand.”
You can read the entire first chapter here.
The End of All Things is available through TWCS, Amazon, and iTunes.
About the author:
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Traveling with MORE
Traveling with MORE
by T.M. Franklin
Since the theme of the Blogger Book Fair this year is Check into the Blogger Book Fair and Book Your Trip to Faraway Places, I thought it would be fitting to take a look at some of the locations—both real and imagined—in my novel, MORE.MORE tells the story of Ava Michaels, a young woman who discovers the world isn’t quite what it seems, and in fact, neither is she. Ava is a student at Allenmore College, a fictional liberal arts college in the fictional town of Witteville in northwestern Missouri.

This is where Allenmore would be, if it were real.
Although Allenmore, and Witteville aren’t real, they are loosely based on where I went to college—Central Washington University, in Ellensburg, Washington. It’s what I had in my head for most of the scenes at Allenmore, including the bell tower, which is introduced in the sequel to MORE, The Guardians (coming November 7th.)
An aerial view of CWU. See the tower?
Of course, Ava doesn’t spend a lot of time at Allenmore once she meets Caleb Foster, and finds out about an ancient race of people—the First Race—who fear she might be a threat, putting her own life in danger.“We need to go—now,” he replied abruptly, striding through the room and throwing their extra clothes and toothbrushes in a small duffle bag. “There’s a safe house in Mead. If we can get there, they won’t be able to track us.” He cracked the door, peering out and then slamming it shut suddenly. “Too late,” he muttered, grabbing her hand and dragging her into the bathroom. Ava’s heart raced, adrenaline surging through her body as Caleb shoved the window above the shower, tossing the bag through the small opening then turning to her and lacing his fingers together. “I’ll give you a boost,” he said urgently. “When you hit the ground, run. Don’t go to the car, just run, you understand?”Ava and Caleb’s journey take them north to the Canadian border, as they head toward what Caleb hopes will be a safe haven, a Colony in Ontario about twenty miles from Red Lake.
“We don’t have time,” Caleb said through gritted teeth. “They’ll be breaking down the door any second. Just run, Ava. I’ll be right behind you.”
Ava stepped into his hands, pulling herself through the window and out into the cold morning air. She landed on the ground with a grunt, rolled to her feet, and began to run. She heard Caleb hit the ground a moment later, his pounding footsteps closing in quickly. He grabbed her hand, pulling her to the right.
“This way,” he said, looking over his shoulder. She heard a shout and turned back to see Tiernan under the open window, pointing their direction. Caleb cursed under his breath, yanking her behind the motel office. “Wrap your arms around me,” he ordered.
Ava didn’t think. She just did what he asked.
“This is going to feel a little weird,” he said. “Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Don’t move, whatever you do.”
Ava inhaled deeply, clenched her eyes shut . . . and the world fell away from her feet.
- MORE, Chapter 8

Red Lake – yes, it’s real. No, the Colony isn’t.
But I have to say, I think my favorite location in MORE is the city of the First Race, located in the Rocky Mountains about fifty miles from Kalispell, Montana.A wide valley spread out at their feet, rolling lawns and landscaped gardens interspersed with modern buildings of white stone, glittering metal, and glass. Laid out in a perfect circle, the city wound out from a large central building—itself circular, with a two-story balcony running around the entire structure. Like spokes on a wheel, a dozen or so pathways fanned out from the central building at even intervals, intersecting with roads laid out in concentric circles. Beyond the city, the mountain rose up into the clouds, curving slightly around the city borders as if a chunk was carved out of the peak with a giant hand. Like the path, the city was surrounded by snow, but there was none actually within its borders. The city was jarringly structured, but still beautiful, and Ava took a moment to gape in wonder.
“What do you call it?” she asked, her voice a near whisper.
“New Elysia,” Caleb replied.
- MORE, Chapter 13
Imagine the city about where that lake is, and you’ve got it!
So, there you have it—some of the beautiful locations of the MORE trilogy. What are some of your favorite locations from books you’ve read? Let me know in the comments!
About T.M. Franklin
T.M. Franklin started out her career writing non-fiction in a television newsroom. Graduating with a B.A. in Communications specializing in broadcast journalism and production, she worked for nine years as a major market television news producer, and garnered two regional Emmy Awards, before she resigned to be a full-time mom and part-time freelance writer. After writing and unsuccessfully querying a novel that she now admits, “is not that great,” she decided to follow the advice of one of the agents who turned her down—write some more and get better at it. Her first published novel, MORE, was born during National Novel Writing month, a challenge to write a novel in thirty days.She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, Mike, is mom to two boys, Justin and Ryan, and has an enormous black dog named Rocky who’s always lying nearby while she’s writing. Whether he’s soothed by the clicking of the computer keys or just waiting for someone to rub his belly is up for debate.
In addition to MORE, Franklin penned the Amazon best-selling short story, Window, as well as another short story, A Piece of Cake, which appears in the Romantic Interludes anthology. The sequel to MORE, The Guardians, will be released in the fall of 2013.
Connect with T.M. Franklin
About MORE

As a child, she fantasized about having magical powers . . . making things happen. But Ava grew up and eventually accepted the fact that her childish dreams were just that, and maybe a normal life wasn't so bad after all.
Now a young college student, Ava meets Caleb Foster, a brilliant and mysterious man who’s supposed to help her pass physics, but in reality has another mission in mind. What he shows Ava challenges her view of the world, shaking it to its very core.
Because Caleb isn't quite what he seems. In fact, he's not entirely human, and he's not the only one.
Together, the duo faces a threat from an ancient race bound to protect humans, but only after protecting their own secrets—secrets they fear Ava may expose. Fighting to survive, Ava soon learns she's not actually normal . . . she's not even just special.
She's a little bit more.
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About Window
Chloe Blake has a unique gift, an odd connection to her house that results in glimpses of the past, present, and future via the picture window in her living room. Unfortunately, it’s a gift that sometimes proves to be more of a curse. Especially when she tries to help out Ethan Reynolds, the gorgeous boy who lives across the street – an endeavor that, for some reason, always seems to backfire. Or leave her covered in mud.But the house is convinced Ethan’s life is in danger and Chloe’s the only one who can save him. The problem is, he thinks she’s more than a little crazy.

Monday, July 15, 2013
Taking That Step
That Step
Allie Jean
When I was little, I had a hobby. I created
elaborate stories. I even had my sisters act them out for friends and neighbors
in small plays in our front yard. They’d all call me bossy (still do sometimes)
but when it came to my characters, everything had to be as I saw it in my mind.
Later in life, my story telling took on a little
different avenue. Instead of writing my own tales, my mind would continue the
stories of some of my favorite books. Let’s face it; no one likes it when a
cherished series comes to an end.
My family and I lost a son in 2009. In the
aftermath, I felt myself falling into a depression. The what-ifs and self-doubt
dug a huge hole that I didn’t know if I could climb out of. Writing became my
saving grace.
Instead of internalizing all of the emotions
circling through my heart, I focused them into my characters, starting the
first chapters of my Dreamer series. It had been an idea I’d been sitting on
for a while, and the tragedy of loss propelled me into it.
Through my hobby of writing, I’d met a group of
girlfriends who became my support. They challenged me and were my biggest fans.
One of them heard of a writing contest offered through The Writer’s Coffee
called the Original Romance Contest. The winner would be offered a publishing
contract through the house, and my friends encouraged me to enter.
The moments leading up to the announcement were some
of the most excruciating I could remember. First of all, my family had no clue
that I wrote at all, let alone that I had entered a contest. I seem to recall
my husband thinking I’d finally jumped off the deep end when I told him about
it. Yet I’d taken that step, that leap, and finally put myself out there for
the judgment of others. Nail biting my way through two manicures, I awaited the
Now, part of me knew that there was probably a very
slim chance that I’d done anything but reveal myself as a secret writer to my
family, having failed at obtaining that coveted contract. But when the email
came in that they wanted my manuscript I was elated. Over the moon!
My road to publication may be a bit unconventional,
but I think there is a moral to my story. To all of those writers out there,
secret and screaming in the streets: Don’t Stop Writing!!!! Keep your characters
alive, even if it’s just for a small audience. Don’t give up and put yourself
out there. I love to write and getting the opportunity to put my stories out
there has been a blessing.
Plus, my kids think it’s really cool.
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