Today, we get a DOUBLE Sneak Peek at TWO upcoming releases from T.M. Franklin

Frequent Flyers
Coming November 1, 2014!
Romance flies the friendly skies in this diverse collection of short stories from a talented group of best-selling and up-and-coming authors.There’s something for everyone in this mile-high compilation – from a love story born in a blizzard to a steamy encounter spawned by a series of crazy events. For supernatural fiction fans, how about the tale of an airport that’s also a portal to another world… or a scheduled flight that takes a detour into an alternate reality?
From an unexpected trip that reignites a twenty year old flame, to a quirky liaison between a ticketing agent and an adorable doctor, Frequent Flyers takes you on a journey that will touch your heart and leave you flying high!
...and appearing in Frequent Flyers...

Unscheduled Departure by T.M. Franklin
Rowan Elliott is devastated when her boyfriend, Finn, tells her he’s moving across the country to take over the family business, and thrilled when he changes his mind at the last minute and gets off the plane.But then things get . . . weird. Finn’s acting strange, and Ro’s getting mysterious phone calls that have her questioning if her boyfriend’s really who she thinks he is. As Ro races to figure out what’s going on, she discovers it’s more complicated than she could have ever imagined.
And if she’s not careful, she could lose her Finn forever.
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Join Us for the Frequent Flyers RELEASE PARTY on November 1st! And ENTER NOW to Win One of Six Amazon Gift Cards - or One of Six ARCs of Frequent Flyers!
But wait...there's MORE!

The action-packed conclusion to the MORE Trilogy is here!

Ava Michaels is gifted, powerful, and — whether she likes it or not — part of a plot to take over the world.
It’s only been a few months since Ava Michaels discovered she has ties to an ancient people living in the shadows of the human world, despite their superior gifts and abilities. A select few don’t like hiding, however, and think it’s time to take control.
Now Ava’s caught up in a conspiracy in the works before she was even born. In fact, her birth was an integral part of the plan. She’s one of the Twelve, the most powerful Race ever created, and they were created for a purpose.
Turns out, Ava doesn’t like being told what to do.
All she wants is to start a new life with her boyfriend, Caleb Foster, but before they can even think about that, they must join forces with former enemies, seek out some powerful new friends, and figure out what exactly the Twelve, and their power-hungry leader, are up to.
Then, they have to find a way to stop them.
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Outside a nondescript brick building housing a nondescript high school in a nondescript town in the middle of nowhere, North Dakota, Tiernan Ross leaned against a scraggly elm tree and cursed his life.He could have done anything, really—moved to Europe, spent some time on a quiet beach, and ignored anything and everything that stank of politics and power plays and the ridiculous mess he’d gotten himself involved in.
Katherine had said he was getting soft, and although he’d greeted the statement with his trademark glower, deep down he had feared she was right. He felt a strange sense of responsibility to the band of outlaws hiding out in the Canadian wilderness, and to the girl who pushed all his buttons, but still managed to get under his skin.
Tiernan let out a heavy sigh and checked his watch again. School would be out in three minutes.
It had been almost a month, and he didn’t know what he had been thinking, offering to be an ambassador to the Council on behalf of the Guardians. It was a delicate proposition, and Tiernan, as a rule, didn’t do delicate. Still, he’d been meeting with Council leaders, first Rafe and Naomi, to help ease the way, then Kaeden, for what good it did him. It was slow going, and Tiernan was going insane with the waiting, so he’d taken an assignment, in no small part to get on Madeleine’s good side, as Kaeden had suggested, which was what led to standing outside a high school, cooling his heels, and waiting for a Half-Breed. It was strange. A few months ago, it would have been business as usual, but now . . .
A feeling of unease combined with a strange twist in his stomach he couldn’t identify left him antsy and riddled with—
Okay, maybe I can identify it. Guilt. It’s guilt.
Tiernan, as a rule, didn’t do guilt either.
He’d been fine—doing his duty, living his life—until Ava came along and started to break down the walls that kept out irritating things like guilt and compassion and . . .
The bell rang, driving away the unsettling thoughts, and Tiernan straightened, eyes zeroing in on the door of the school and the blue Honda he’d already identified as belonging to one Isaiah Bennett.
He scanned the uniformed teenagers streaming out of the building for the face he’d committed to memory from a series of recon images he’d received earlier.
Tall, thin, dark-skinned with hair trimmed close to his scalp . . . there.
Of course, it was the middle of the afternoon, so he couldn’t just grab the kid and make a run for it. Instead, Tiernan started the motorcycle he’d liberated from a Walmart parking lot in Bismarck and waited as Isaiah waved to his friends and tossed his backpack into the car before climbing in. He knew where the boy lived but tailed him anyway, hoping for a detour along the way that would make it easier to apprehend him.
Take him. Kidnap him.
Tiernan’s jaw clenched, and his fists tightened on the handlebars, the motorcycle engine revving in protest. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves.
It’s just an assignment. Another job. Grab the kid. Take him to the Council. Let them deal with the rest. Like dozens before.
It was all part of maintaining the peace. Rafe had said it would be a show of goodwill to the Council.
Tiernan wasn’t convinced.

If you haven't read the first two books, now is the time - all three books are ON SALE for a LIMITED TIME on select platforms!

MORE - Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon Canada | iTunes | Kobo | TWCS
The Guardians - Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon Canada | iTunes | Kobo | TWCS
TWELVE - Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon Canada | iTunes | TWCS

In addition to MORE and its sequel, The Guardians, Franklin penned the Amazon best-selling short stories A Piece of Cake and Window, which also won a Blogger Book Fair Reader’s Choice Award for Short Story/Fantasy. Her new YA romance, How to Get Ainsley Bishop to Fall in Love with You, is Franklin’s first love story without a paranormal or fantasy element, although she believes love is the best kind of magic.
TWELVE, the final installment in the MORE Trilogy will be released October 9, 2014.
Connect with T.M. Franklin
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And yes... ANOTHER Giveaway!

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