I know you are probably wondering what the heck a kitchen sink has to do with making chicken. Well . . . let me explain.
My family are avid YouTube watchers. There are several cooking and baking series that are posted that my daughter and I love. Low and behold, one day my husband calls me over to his computer to look at Auntie Fee's Baked Chicken video. I watched it. Auntie Fee's very colorful language and all. The thing is, it is a really good idea. You cook the chicken while it is still frozen to keep in all the moisture. The idea of mixing it all in the kitchen sink put me off at first, but we cleaned our sink throughly and decided to give it a go. After the first time, we decided when we make baked chicken, this is how we will do it. So, go clean your kitchen sink and let's get to it.
Ingredients for recipe as shown
2.5 pounds frozen bone in chicken
Liberal amounts of the following:
Season Salt
Black Pepper
Garlic Powder
Dried Parsley
Dried Mustard
1 Diced Green, Red, or Yellow Pepper
1 Medium Sized Onion
4 Tablespoons Butter
Chop up your peppers and cut your onion in fourths.
Line up all your seasonings next to your sink so you can reach them when needed.
Place chicken in clean sink and rinse.
Get your hands in there and mix it all up until each piece is throughly coated.
Place chicken in 9x13 pan with onions and peppers. Cook at 350 degrees uncovered for and hour, then check every 30 minutes until cooked through. This recipe took 2 hours. Enjoy!

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