Author To Author’s Newsletter
November 20, 2013
Writing & Publishing Tips
Time Management
When you're an author, the phrase "time management" can seem almost laughable. Especially if you have another demanding job that doesn't always allow you the time you wish to have for putting work into your writing. I have met many people along my writing journey who tell me that they would love to write a book and even have a few great ideas but simply don't have the time. My response is always the same. Make the time.
If writing is something important to you and you hope to someday make a career out of it, you must dedicate yourself despite the numerous other demands that life presents to you. This can be a difficult task and at times seem impossible. I am here to tell you that it is possible.
My best ideas come to me when I am short on time. It seems that when that rare occasion comes along, a day in which I can completely focus on nothing but writing, I end up spending most of my time either staring blankly at a computer screen, or shuffling through the many interesting posts by my friends and followers on blogs, Twitter, and Facebook.
Perhaps it is because I work well under pressure? However, the reason doesn't seem to really matter. What matters is that most humans perform their work well when they have no other option but to simply get the required tasks completed.
When working a fulltime (or more) job, it seems there isn't any time left in the day for writing. After household chores, dinner, and family obligations, most of us desire nothing more than to simply let our heads hit the pillow and start again tomorrow. It is at this exact time that you need to discipline yourself. You will be happy you did.
Some days, I only have about a half hour or so to dedicate to my author career. Whether it be a quick 500 words typed into Microsoft on my phone while on break at work or scheduling blog posts for the next week, any work is good work and keeps your creative juices flowing.
Don't let time be an issue. Use every minute of every day to be as productive as you can.
Using tools to stay organized helps greatly in this area. Things like calendars, planners, social media schedulers, and email reminders will prompt you to keep working even when you're exhausted. Trust me, these assets make life a lot easier.
Another issue that can hinder your time management skills is a lack of belief that your work is important. From time to time I think that may of us authors question whether or not a certain task really needs to be completed. If you originally thought at one point in time that it was important, chances are it still is. Don't let your mood dictate your decisions. Fatigue and stress can greatly influence our choices. If it was put on your "to-do" list, do it.
Lastly, if you skip a day because you just couldn't accomplish one more ting, that's ok. Remember there is always tomorrow. Just don't give up.
Exciting News for Author to Author Group Members
Sydney Logan's Giveaway & New Release
Sydney Logan is publishing another holiday story!
The Little Drummer Boy is set for release on November 29th! In the meantime, visit Sydney's website to enter her giveaway for a $10.00 Amazon gift card and a hand-crafted bracelet!
Ninety-Nine in November
Author L.V. Lewis has put her first book in the Ghetto Girl Romance Quadrilogy on sale for 99 cents the entire month of November! If you are a Fifty Shades fan and would like an exciting twist from a cultural perspective, then this book is for you! Check it out!
Author Lindsey Gray Celebrates New Release
Lindsey Gray's new release,
Not The Same Season, went live yesterday! Download your copy today!
Meet Up With T.M. Franklin in Seattle
T. M. Franklin will be at the Barnes & Noble at 600 Pine St. in Seattle, WA signing books, chatting with readers, and doing giveaways from 2:00pm-4:00pm on Friday, November 22nd! Make sure to pay her a visit if you're in he area!
T.M. Franklin Hosts Giveaway & Blog Tour
Author T.M. Franklin is on tour and hosting a giveaway! Visit her blog for details-
www.tmfranklin.com and enter the giveaway here -
Andrea Goodson to Reveal Cover for To Be Loved
Join author Andrea Goodson on Thursday, November 26th as she reveals the cover to her upcoming YA new release,
To Be Loved! You can also enter for a chance to win a signed paperback! All bloggers are invited to participate. Contact Andrea via her website for more information.
Wednesday's Weird Word
Definition: referring to somebody who is gloomy, morose, irritable or bad-tempered.
Savvy Savings
If The Shoe Fits
By Laurie LeClair
Blue Fall
By B.B. Griffith
Christmas at Pebble Creek
By Vannetta Chapman
Thank you for reading this week's edition of Author to Author's, The Wednesday Word! Visit us again next week for more news and savings to refresh your bookish pleasures! As always, feel free to share and spread the word!