Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sneak Peek Sunday - R.E. Hargrave


Coming 2014 ... the highly anticipated conclusion to R.E. Hargrave's The Divine Trilogy: Surreal

"Ms. Hargrave has a talent for weaving a story that many would consider too much and making it just right. The character development, the scenes, the emotions, it is all there." ~Amazon Reviewer

Please enjoy this exclusive sneak peek* 
(which is safe for all readers):

“Do you want kids?”

Erin almost dropped the wooden spoon she was using to push their eggs around the pan while they cooked. Did she? Maybe as a young girl with grand visions of what her future would entail she had. However, since Dr. Ellison, Holly, had confirmed the damage to Erin’s insides, she hadn't allowed herself to think about it.

Composing herself, she placed the spoon on the little bell pepper-shaped plate meant for such things, and turned to him. “Where’s that coming from?”

While Erin watched, Jayden reddened then looked away nervously.

“I've been doing some thinking since our visit with Ronnie and Steph. You’re always so good with their twins. A natural. It makes you glow in a way I can’t.”

Swoon. Desire flared within her, a bright flash of heat that settled to a low simmer while his words sank in. Was he saying he might want kids? But, she couldn't give him that.

Holly said “Possibility,” not a definite “No.”

“What are you saying, A rúnsearc?”

When his deep brown eyes met hers again, they were filled with determination. “I want to be the one to put that kind of look on your face, Erin. More than that, though, I want to know what it is to experience that kind of happiness and contentment—with you.”

Was he kidding her with this? He was asking something beyond her physical capability. Sure, Erin, and you didn't think you’d live to survive Spencer either. Look at you now.

“Breathe, sweet girl. I've got you.”

She’d started gasping for air and hadn't realized it. Now, Jayden’s arms were wrapped around her, applying just enough pressure to make her feel safe, but not trapped.

“I’m not saying we have to. I know we have obstacles to overcome if we decide to try. Guess what I’m trying to say is—well, I just wanted you to know . . . if you want kids . . . then I do, too. We can figure the rest out.”

If you haven't started this BDSM erotica series yet, here's where you can get the first two books:

*This excerpt is unedited, and subject to change for final publication.

R.E. Hargrave lives on the outskirts of Dallas, TX where she prides herself on being a domestic engineer. Married to her high school sweetheart, together they are raising three children from elementary age to college age. She is an avid reader, a sometimes quilter and now, a writer. Other hobbies include gardening and a love of a music.

A native 'mutt,' Hargrave has lived in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Alabama, Texas, and California. She is fond of setting her stories on location in South Carolina and Texas, but its anybody's guess as to what the genre will be! 

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