Author To Author’s Newsletter
February 12, 2014
Author To Author's Newsletter is Changing
If Not You... Then Who?
This is a question I have found myself struggling with lately. Every time that perfect idea strikes and it seems to get added to the never ending list of things I want to do. Or, things I should do. Or perhaps, the things I must do.As writers, I am sure we all have so many fantastic ideas that our minds feel as though they are about to burst at the seams. Whether it be plot ideas, character traits, new strategies for marketing and promotion, or how we can positively use our platform, all of these ideas take up quite a vast amount of space in our imagination. So much so that it becomes extremely easy to become overwhelmed.
The feeling of being overwhelmed can be more stressful and tiring than actually accomplishing the idea you have in mind. When this happens, I find my "idea notebook" to be of great use. I keep my notebook divided into sections with enough room to include step by step instructions for myself. These instructions dictate how I will go about completing whichever task it is that I have set out to accomplish. I find that lists tend to keep the mind uncluttered.
My newest idea came to me while watching a program about human trafficking a few weeks ago. This idea isn't for a book and it isn't for promotion. With over 2,000 Facebook followers I feel a moral responsibility to use my platform in a way which will positively impact our world. Yes, I realize 2,000 isn't some astronomical number and that there are plenty of other authors around who have a much larger fan base than that. Still, how can I have access to so many human beings and not try to spread the word about something so horrific?
With everything that is going on in life, day-to-day chores, working, being a fulltime wife and mother, writing and rewriting my current work in progress, as well as the many promotional tasks I sig myself up for, I had to wonder... How can I effectively make a difference?
So I busted out the idea notebook and went to work.
That's when I came up with the idea of raising money for Unlikely Heroes. They are a fantastic organization that not only spreads the word about the millions of children in human slavery around the world, but also rescues and rehabilitates these victims! After talking with their Program Manager, I started the February Fight for Hearts Campaign.
During the month of February all proceeds from my books sales as well as donations to the campaign will be sent directly to Unlikely Heroes.
I haven't had a huge influx of donations yet and I barely have the time to keep up with it. But does that mean I shouldn't try? Does that mean I should leave this task for someone else who might be able to devote more energy to the cause?
Because the same is true with this scenario as is true with all of our ideas. When we come up with that book that absolutely must be written, we have to find a way to do it. Because if not you...then who?
If you'd like to participate and put an end to this worldwide atrocity you can donate here.
Exciting News for Author to Author Group Members
T.M. Franklin Hosts Giveaway
Author T.M. Franklin is hosting a giveaway from February 13-19! Take a look and enter to win! http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/5c62db24/Many readers have been wondering Who is Ainesly Bishop? Find out on February 17th! www.tmfranklin.com
T.M. is also offering her novella, Window, free from February 11-15! Download your copy today! http://www.amazon.com/Window-T-M-Franklin-ebook/dp/B00BU7TYBS
Jeanne McDonald Offers Giveaway and FREE Download
Join Jeanne for a Goodreads giveaway running now through March 3rd. https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/79912-the-truth-in-lies
You can also download A Ray of Hope for free between February 21-25! http://www.amazon.com/Ray-Hope-Jeanne-McDonald-ebook/dp/B00D7L9BXG
Join Sydney Logan's Stupid Cupid Gieaway
Author Sydney Logan is holding a giveaway now through Valentine's Day! Don't miss your chance to enter! http://www.sydneylogan.com/2014/02/cover-reveal-stupid-cupid-by-sydney.html
Enter Sydney Logan's Valentine's Giveaway
This giveaway is live and goes until February 1st! Take a look and enter to win! http://www.sydneylogan.com/p/giveaways.html
Join Sandi Layne for a Blog Tour and a Sweet Deal
Follow along on Part Deux of Sandi's blog tour! http://sandyquill.com/2014/02/06/blog-tour-part-deux/
Don't miss the new release of Justin's Second Chance. It will be available on Valentine's Day for a low 99 cents! http://ph.thewriterscoffeeshop.com/books/detail/134
Visit Goodreads to enter April Emerson's Giveaway
Take a look and enter The Righteous and The Wicked Giveaway on Goodreads! https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/79358-the-righteous-and-the-wicked
Don't miss the new book trailer for April's book which goes live on February 14th! www.aprilemerson.blogspot.com
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