Author To Author’s Newsletter
September 25, 2013
Writing & Publishing Tips
Reader Reviews:The Good, The Bad, and How to Handle It All
When I signed my publishing contract for my debut novel, Lessons Learned, one of the first questions I was asked on my marketing form was about unfavorable reviews and how I would react to them. Of course, I had heard horror stories about one-star reviews that could rip an author’s dreams to shreds. I’d also heard about “bad author behavior” where the author would engage with a reviewer in a negative way. But I had never really considered how I would react to it.
Still, authors need to vent from time to time. When I say my husband is my “Lucas,” it’s not an exaggeration. If I receive a negative review, he hears about it. He keeps me calm and reminds me to pay attention to all of the positive reviews and ignore the few negative. One bad apple shouldn’t spoil the bunch, they say, and in this case, that’s true. That’s not to say all negative reviews are toxic. Some can be constructive. If they are, take what they say and use it to grow as a writer. I had a reviewer tell me that Sarah and Lucas’s love story in Lessons Learned was overshadowed by Matt’s struggle with bullying. To me, that was constructive and reminds me to be more balanced in my writing. I had another reviewer (in a review for one of my short stories) say that my story wasn’t worth the .99¢ she paid for it. Needless to say, that particular review wasn’t constructive at all. As an author, you really have to find your happy place when it comes to dealing with reviews. Not everyone is going to love your book. Accept this. Embrace it. But someone will love it. Most importantly, you will love it, and at the end of the day, that’s the one review that truly matters.
By Author to Author member and Contributor Sydney Logan. You can learn more about Sydney and her books at www.sydneylogan.com
Exciting News for Author to Author Group Members
Lissa Bryan Hosts Ghost Story Contest
To celebrate the one year Book Birthday of Lissa Bryan's, Ghost Writer, she is hosting a ghost story contest! Visit Lissa's blog for information on how to enter, rules, and bust out your notebook and pen! There are some fantastic prizes at stake! The winner will be chosen on Halloween! http://www.lissabryan.com/2013/09/ghost-story-contest.html You can also join the TWCS Book Club on Facebook to discus Ghostwriter with Lissa the entire month of October! https://www.facebook.com/events/601835033192271/
Cover Reveal of Riverbend: The Collection
Stay tuned to Andrea Goodson's blog to see the cover reveal for Riverbend: The Collection on Friday September 27th! It's almost Riverbend's first Book Birthday! In celebration, Andrea Goodson is rereleasing the entire trilogy, Riverbend, Rapid Water, and Waking Tide, as a one-book boxed set at a low promotional price the week of October 6th! Connect with Andrea on Facebook or her Website for fun events and giveaways over the next few weeks. www.andreagoodson.wordpress.com
Fall into Reading Giveaway!

Stay tuned to Author to Author's Blog for the upcoming Fall Into Reading Giveaway! Enter for a chance to win a $25.00 Giftcard! Giveaway takes place September 22-29. Don't miss it! www.author-to-author-blog.blogspot.com
Sherri Hayes Hosts Newsletter Contest
Want a chance to win a bookmark from Sherri's book, Behind Closed Doors. Visit her blog and sign up for her newsletter to enter! While you're there take a look around and explore some of her other work...that is if you like sensual romance. Who doesn't?
Book Signing With Sydney Logan
Join up with author Sydney Logan to get your books signed on Saturday September 28th in Huntsville, TN! Sydney will be visiting the Museum of Scott County's Heritage Festival! http://www.sydneylogan.com/2013/09/heritage-festival-book-signing.html
Allie Jean and T.M. Franklin Host Vine Challenge
Are you an Instagram junkie? Don't feel bad, most of use are! Take a look at Allie Jean and T.M. Franklin's websites to enter the Vine Challenge and win a prize pack of books! The contest runs September 12th to October 17th! http://alliejean.net/ and http://www.tmfranklin.com/
Allie Jean to Release Dreams of the Cursed
The long awaited sequel to Legacy of a Dreamer is due for release next week on October 3rd! You can preorder today through the TWCS website. http://ph.thewriterscoffeeshop.com/books/detail/101
Wednesday's Weird Word
Definition: Having the quality or nature of an antidote to poison. Origin: Greek
Savvy Savings
We seem to be running low on coupons this week, but take a look at the ultra low-priced reads hand picked by A2A members on Kindle!*covers are never posted without permission from the author*
Windswept by Fran McNab
4.5 STARS $0.99
Disenchanted by Robert Kroese
4 STARS $1.99
The Laws of Gravity by Liz Rosenberg
4 STARS $1.99
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