Author To Author’s Newsletter September 11, 2013
All of the Author to Author Writers would like to dedicate this issue of the Wednesday Word to the lost lives and still grieving families of September 11, 2001. We will never forget.
Writing & Publishing Tips
Five Elements of Writing the Perfect First Kiss
There’s nothing like it – after a hundred pages of will he or won’t he? the hero steps toward the heroine, heart racing, licking his lips in anticipation. There’s nothing like reading the perfect first kiss. If it’s done right, it’s even more satisfying than a more intense and graphic love scene.“Are you all right?” Sam asked, straightening to look into her eyes.
“You look a little flushed.” Emily smiled, but didn’t answer.
Instead, she rose up on her tiptoes, her hand curling around the back of his neck, fingers tingling where they touched his skin. His eyes widened and dipped to her mouth before rising questioningly to meet her gaze. She nodded slightly, breath catching as he bent slowly to press his lips against hers. Heat surged through her, electricity tracing over her skin at the touch of his lips – his body against hers, as he drew her closer. In that instant, she felt all that they could be – the potential and the promise – their future together, whether days, weeks or years. -A Piece of Cake, T.M. Franklin
Here are some tips for writing a nerve-tingling, toe-curling, perfect first kiss.
What Kind of Kiss?
The first thing is to decide what kind of kiss you’re going for. Is it gentle and sweet? Rough and passionate? Tentative and shy? Write down all the adjectives you can think of to describe the kind of kiss you want to write. Hit up that thesaurus. It’ll be a big help.
Build Up Slowly
To me, building anticipation is half the battle. You want the readers to be turning the page, wondering, When in the world is she going to make her move? Hint at the budding romance. Shy smiles fraught with meaning, longing glances that the reader knows about but the other character doesn’t see, moments where they almost kiss but don’t quite get there – all of these can help build the romantic tension. And they make it that much more satisfying when your characters finally, finally act on their feelings.
It Doesn’t Have to be Perfect
It sounds like a contradiction, but a perfect kiss doesn’t have to be perfect. Sometimes, the little imperfections – clashing teeth, or knocking foreheads – can add a realism to the kiss that makes it even sweeter. First kisses can be awkward, with the heroine worrying about her breath, or the hero wondering if he’s pursing his lips too hard. These moments are rife with opportunity for comic relief to mix with the romance – and the two can combine in satisfying and unique ways.
Avoid Tired Clichés
Lips that taste like honey. Tongues battling for dominance. Angels singing. Earth moving. You know the drill. If you’ve read it more than twice before, maybe it’s time to find another way to say it.
Focus on the Feelings
It’s not always all about the details. Sure, there’s some appeal to her sliding her fingers around his neck, then up to twist in his hair. But be sure to focus on the feelings to really make the kiss hit home. What does his skin feel like? Is her heart pounding? Are her palms sweaty? Is his stomach flip-flopping? Think about the best kiss you ever got, and then think about how it felt. Try to describe that, not whether you turned your head to the left or the right.
By Author to Author Member and Contributor, T.M. Franklin. You can learn more about T.M. and her books at http://www.tmfranklin.com/
Exciting News for Author to Author Group Members
A2A member Angel Lawson Celebrates Coauthored New Release
Angel Lawson and Kira Gold have coauthored a new novel that debuted yesterday! Odin's Murder, newly released on Amazon, is already receiving 5 STAR reviews!"If you want a well written adventure with a good dash of the supernatural and fantastic characters give this a go."
Congratulations to Angel and Kira on what appears to be a fantastic read! Take a look and add a copy to your Kindle! http://www.amazon.com/Odins-Murder-ebook/dp/B00F2ISDHM/

Ethan Tyrell is out of his element at the College Scholastic Honors Program for exceptional students. But at least he’s out of prison. Keeping his temper and his hands to himself isn’t so easy when an irritating professor demands full participation with a mismatched study group, where he clashes with his roommate’s sister, Memory.
Memory Erikssen is not the kind of girl a boy can forget; she makes sure of that. Quick with both a charcoal pencil and a lipstick, she won’t draw the same line or walk the same path twice, and antagonizing Ethan is a break from the usual academic doldrums.
Ethan and Memory find themselves tangled together by more than their special abilities–and mutual irritation–as members of their team go missing, and they unravel a dangerous mystery that spans centuries of local and distant legends.
Lissa Bryan Hosts Ghost Story Contest
To celebrate the one year Book Birthday of Lissa Bryan's, Ghost Writer, she is hosting a ghost story contest! Visit Lissa's blog for information on how to enter, rules, and bust out your notebook and pen! There are some fantastic prizes at stake! The winner will be chosen on Halloween! http://www.lissabryan.com/2013/09/ghost-story-contest.htmlAttention Book Bloggers!
A2A Author, M. B. Feeney is looking for bloggers for the Cover Reveal for the upcoming release of her anthology, Honour! Visit the link below to read the summary and sign up! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/14bTEHZNwuNCN7UrusUlB9zGF00UJiciWfeAT7xxqlrg/viewformAndrea Goodson to Re-release The Riverbend Trilogy
It's almost Riverbend's first Book Birthday! In celebration, Andrea Goodson is rereleasing the entire trilogy, Riverbend, Rapid Water, and Waking Tide, as a one-book boxed set the week of October 6th! Any bloggers interested in reviewing the entire collection prior to re-release are invited to contact Andrea via Facebook or Website for an ARC. www.andreagoodson.wordpress.comLessons Learned Anniversary Giveaway
Sydney Logan is still celebrating her on year book birthday for Lessons Learned! Visit her website to enter! http://www.sydneylogan.com/p/giveaways.htmlElise de Sallier Reveals Innocence Cover
Take a look at the intriguing cover for Elise de Sallier's newest book, Innocence. Visit Elise's blog to read all about this upcoming Regency Romance! http://elisedesallier.wordpress.com/elises-books/innocence/Fall into Reading Giveaway

Stay tuned to Author to Author's Blog for the upcoming Fall Into Reading Giveaway! Enter for a chance to win a $25.00 Giftcard! Giveaway takes place September 22-29. don't miss it! www.author-to-author-blog.blogspot.com
Sherri Hayes Hosts Newsletter Contest
Want a chance to win a bookmark from Sherri's book, Behind Closed Doors? Visit her blog and sign up for her newsletter to enter! While you're there take a look around and explore some of her other work...that is if you like sensual romance. Who doesn't? http://sherri-hayes.blogspot.com/2013/09/weekly-update-contest-announcement.html?zx=71f71efc3854ef20Wednesday's Weird Word
GazumpDefinition: To unfairly acquire a property by bidding more than an offer from somebody else that has already been accepted by the seller.
Origin: Yiddish. "Gezumph" To overcharge or cheat.
Savvy Savings
We seem to be running low on coupons this week, but take a look at these ultra low-priced reads hand picked by A2A member Andrea Goodson on Kindle! She's added them to her TBR list, why not add them to yours?
*covers are never posted without permission from the author*
Silver Serenade by Gary O'Hara
4 STARS $0.99
The Fool's Tale by Nicole Galland
4 STARS $1.99
Wait for Me by Mary Kay McComas
4.5 STARS $1.99
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