Author To Author’s Newsletter
January 8, 2014
Author to Author would like to wish a very healthy and happy
New Year to our followers!
Writing & Publishing Tips
Since the new year has begun, I felt this article would be appropriate for the first edition of The Wednesday Word for 2014. Many of us have made (...and broken) a New Year's resolution. Perhaps it was something small or perhaps it was something huge like renewing a commitment to something that just doesn't interest you anymore. Whether it be a hobby, your writing, expectations, or your career. Either way...this short article might clarify exactly why you just shouldn't worry about it.What if you don't have a calling?
What if you have 5? Or 10? Perhaps 50?
I read an interesting article about multi-potentiality yesterday and for the first time in my life I thought- Yes! I AM normal!
My entire life people have wanted an answer to things like:
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What area interests you?
What career would you like to pursue?
What industry fits your personality?
Well, I finally have an answer to these questions…
All of them.
Why should we limit ourselves to one thing? Is it really that important to spend our lives trying desperately to achieve success in one area? Or to master one particular skill? Then what?
Oh yeah, that’s it. Because now you’re dead and gone from this world and there is nothing left for you to do here.
Here is a short list…well, as short as possible, of my past and present interests and careers starting in college years and onward.
Office Manager
Community Coordinator for individuals with disabilities.
See a correlation?
Good, because neither do I! But for the first time ever I see that it is perfectly fine.
If asked, I suppose I would say that I love working in a setting where I can reach out and help others, but even that would sell my subconscious need for infinite knowledge and experiences short.
To be quite honest, I think I just love “new”. I love to learn. I love to feel like I am making a difference. I love to aquire new skills, use them, and then move on. Sometimes I stick with it and sometimes I don’t. And that’s ok too. That doesn’t make me a quitter or a failure. Know what it does make me?
An explorer.
An explorer of life. If I could go back to when my mother first asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, that would be my answer, and that, my friends, makes me a success. I have become what I wanted to be. And because of that I will have many experiences and be on many different paths.
I have found writing to be a path I know I will stick with. It never gets boring and my mind is always flooding with new and exciting ideas. It frees my mind, it frees me…did you hear me?
Society’s expectations of me and what everyone thinks is normal will never hinder me again. Don’t let it hinder you.
So, how about it? What things do you want to be when you grow up?
In what ways do you find time to devote to all of your interests?

By Author to Author Member and Contributor, Andrea Goodson. You can learn more about Andrea on her website, www.andreagoodson.wordpress.com
Exciting News for Author to Author Group Members
Sandi Layne Publishes First Chapter of New Release
A2A member, Sandi Layne has published the first chapter of Eire's Viking on her blog! Head on over and take a read. http://sandyquill.com/novels/eires-viking-trilogy/eires-viking-2/chapter-one/
Innocence Now Available
Innocence by Elise de Sallier is now available! Order your ebook or print copy today! http://ph.thewriterscoffeeshop.com/books/detail/110
MORE hits a Top Ten List!
Author T.M. Franklin's MORE has hit Lilly Mac's Top Ten Reads of 2013! Take a gander and check out this great YA read!
Vote for Finding Anna
The Finding Anna Series is a finalist in four categories on Inner Goddess! Congrats to A2A member, Sherri Hayes! Go and vote for Sherri's book today!
Wednesday's Weird Word
adj. – of, pertaining to, or resembling a hedgehog!"You are looking quite erinaceous this evening."
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