Author To Author’s Newsletter
January 15, 2014
Writing & Publishing Tips
So, you're in a slump. Now what?
Get over it!
Yes, you heard me correctly.
Get. Over. It.
I’d like to expand a bit on last week's post about callings in life. Some of us feel like we have to have a goal or be actively working towards something to be of any real value. So, what do we call it when we are stuck in between interests with no idea what to do next?
That’s right, it’s a slump.
Those of us in the writing world might call it writer’s block. Some call it lazy, others call it a lack of motivation. No matter which way you slice it the next course of action remains the same…get over it.
As I discussed yesterday, many of us have many interests and potentials. We need not be limited by society’s expectations that we remain on one long and tedious path our entire lives. So, now that that’s established, let’s say we realize that and still don’t seem to have a concrete direction to go in.
That’s ok. I feel like this all the time.
In fact, I feel like this right now. I have been drilling away at my new book for months and months. Despite being rewritten, edited, and ready to go I haven’t been able to get past the feeling that something is missing. Quite frankly this is driving me absolutely crazy. I can’t stand it. I need to feel like I am working. And right now, I am not. So, I'm in a slump.
But after my post last week about being free from the grind of expectations and careers, I realized something. When I wrote my first novel, Riverbend, I wasn’t working toward a goal. In fact, I wasn’t working at all! I was playing around with different ideas and interests and it just sort of transformed into this book. So, perhaps I don’t need to put pressure on myself to do something of value?
I also realized something else, that I need to get over my slump. The only way to do that is to keep going. So, here I am writing a post about being in a slump to try and get myself out of my current slump!
To effectively get over it , I need to be creative. Whether I am blogging, writing, or even starting a new project. I simply have to trust that the idea will come and most likely not while I am staring blankly at a manuscript.
I can’t even believe how picky I have been with To Be Loved. I feel sure that missing "something" will strike my mind, but it won’t happen while I am sitting around feeling slumpy. (Yeah, that's a new word I've invented.).
“Inspiration exists, but it must find you working.”
Or in my case, just playing around. Still, something is better than nothing, right?
What tactics do you use to raise yourself up when you’re in a slump? How do you get over it?
By Author to Author Member and Contributor, Andrea Goodson. You can learn more about Andrea on her website, www.andreagoodson.wordpress.com
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Wednesday's Weird Word
Alegar and Beeregar
Two types of vinegar formed from fermentation of ale and beer."Why, yes. I would love some oil and beeregar for my salad!"
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